





What elements should be paid attention to in the application of rubber shock cushion in punch?

   沖床是工業(yè)出產(chǎn)中等見的機械設(shè)備,加工方式是借助于重頭的動能沖栽零件,我國的沖床車間的噪聲比較高,也給設(shè)備操作者和車間其他擔擔任職務務的人工制造成 、大的危害,對環(huán)境也有一定的影響,由于這個減少沖床噪聲的問題是非常重要的。而這那邊邊就必須用到橡膠減振器或者彈簧減振器。沖床降噪的根本在于聲源的控制,但是大幅度降噪是很難成功實現(xiàn)的。沖床之間各傳動件間存在比不可以少的合適空隙,減少空隙和防止軸系反沖的結(jié)構(gòu)方式對減振來說也是有幫助的。傳統(tǒng)的工藝對沖床減振并非易事,根本的路徑是改革沖床的沖擊過程,由于這個沖床降噪的技術(shù)處購置法沒有絕對成熟,現(xiàn)階段也要思索問題其他技術(shù)處購置法的應用。
Punch is industrial produce medium of the mechanical equipment, processing way is by using the kinetic energy of start cutting parts, the noise of the punch workshop is higher in China, also to equipment operators and other workshop take positions of the dangers of artificial into, large, has a certain influence to the environment, as a result of this reduction punch noise problem is very important.And you have to use a rubber shock absorber or a spring shock absorber on this side.Noise reduction of punch is based on the control of sound source, but it is difficult to achieve a great deal of noise reduction.The structure of reducing the gap and preventing the shaft recoil is also helpful to the vibration reduction.The traditional technology is not easy to reduce the vibration of the punch, the fundamental path is to reform the impact process of the punch, because this punch noise reduction technology purchase method is not absolutely mature, at this stage we should also think about the application of other technology purchase method.





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